Here you can subscribe to my newsletter.
Each issue needs a lot of my time, so you’ll need to wait for a new email sometimes. However, if you have subscribed to the newsletter with the notifications about the new art lessons, you will not miss any. That’s very handy: it’s much easier than to check if there is something new on the site since the last time you visited it. Moreover, this way you’ll watch the lessons not in bulk, but from time to time. It’s easier to learn this way.
When you’ll press “subscribe”, you’ll get a confirmation email. Usually it comes in minutes, however sometimes you need to wait a couple of hours till it travels over the Internet to reach you.
If you still don’t see it, please check your spam folder. If you use Gmail, hover the mouse pointer under the button “send” to find it. It will show more options and you’ll see the spam folder.
Also if you read mail via the Gmail interface directly, don’t forget to drag an email from me from the “Promo materials” to the “Unsorted” tab. If you do not do this, Gmail can set the newsletter type incorrectly, and my emails can get lost in the “Promo materials” section.