
In this section I collect useful tips for those who want to paint. I am lucky: my teachers taught me a lot. Some things I find in books and lessons by other artists. Some things I discovered myself on my own. I think it will be convenient for you to find these tips quickly and easily, because I searched for these tips for a long time for those who want to paint and draw better like me.

I am sure that whatever I do, I’ll receive some amount of negative responses. If I wait for many years and study constantly, there will be less of them, but they will still happen all the same. And I am sure that those tips will be useful for someone right now. Besides, it’s a great way to see gaps in my own knowledge, which I am sure will happen due to comments :)︎

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Keep track of my new lessons

Subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll send you my new art lessons. This is much easier than checking the site for updates and you will not miss any.

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