Composition №5 (of a series “Compositions”)
About the series “Compositions”
In Kaliningrad city graffities on buildings’ walls are painted over with the “graffiti-coffins” (the term is introduced by V.Romankov).
But it’s done not by housing workers, but by artists. We don’t know their names – they do not sign their artworks. But these humble talented people carefully preserve the traditions of abstract expressionism. Moreover, they bring out these traditions from museums to the streets of the city (and that refers us to the activity of the UNOVIS group in Vitebsk). Via this they involve in art those people who are not versed in it. In such unobtrusive manner they cultivate tastes of the locals.
Even venerable realist artists, opposed to abstract art, sense the expressiveness of their artworks. They note the choice of the colors and the taste, with which the artworks created.
Here, for example, testimonials from famous contemporary painter, a poet of Russian nature A.N. Timoshenko: “Wow ! ? Shock”, “Interesting palette”, “I like that. With taste”.
The series of artworks “Compositions” is devoted to, from one side, artists-abstractionists of the past, and from the other side – to the anonym artists-abstractionists, working in Kaliningrad. All paintings are painted from the studies, which, in turn, are painted from nature.